Factorio: Space Age – Gleba enemies – YouTube
Factorio: Space Age - Gleba enemies - YouTube

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The developers at Wube Software are finally showing off some enemies from upcoming expansion Factorio: Space Age, and I’m going to go ahead and say that they’re one of the best alien monster designs I’ve seen in years. Radially symmetrical like starfish, the five-legged crawling Pentapods are alternately disgusting and delightful to watch in action.

Moving something like Factorio’s already-extant Spidertrons, the pentapods have their own gruesomely gooey ecology and style of movement that makes them very disturbing to watch. There are wrigglers, smaller immature pentapods that squirm along the ground at you with teeth and claws. There are Strafers, mature specimens that keep at a distance and fire flying wrigglers at you. Finally, there are Stompers, huge armored mature pentapods that want to do just that to you.

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