Clover Retribution is a Roblox game that takes influence from Black Clover. Set in a magical world where magic is everything, the story follows two orphan boys, Asta and Yuno. While Yuno is exceptionally talented in magical arts, Asta is the rare individual born without any magical power. Despite this, both boys share the same dream: to become the Wizard King, the strongest mage in the Clover Kingdom. As they grow, they join rival magical guilds and begin a competitive yet supportive rivalry to achieve their shared dream.
Codes in Clover Retribution will get you free spins so you change your magic type, alter your race, or get yourself a new trait which will hopefully upgrade your power in the game! Codes only work on the main menu!
All Clover Retribution Codes: Spins and Stat Resets
Clover Retribution Codes (Working)
- !90klikes – 45 spins of all types (NEW)
- !choosetrait6 – gives you 200 trait spins but locks you out of chooserace6 or choosemagic6 (NEW)
- !chooserace6 – gives you 200 race spins but locks you out of choosetrait6 or choosemagic6 (NEW)
- !choosemagic6 – gives you 200 magic spins but locks you out of chooserace6 or choosetrait6 (NEW)
- !combatv2soon – 50 spins of all types
- !codejustbecause – 125 magic spins
- !minifixv1 – 35 spins of all types
- !desertdungeonsoon – 35 spins of all types
- !icecode2 – 25 spins of each type
- !icemagic – 45 magic spins
- !icerace – 45 race spins
- !choosetrait5 – 200 trait spins [but locks you out of chooserace5 or choosemagic5]
- !chooserace5 – 200 race spins [but locks you out of choosetrait5 or choosemagic5]
- !choosemagic5 – 200 magic spins [but locks you out of chooserace5 or choosetrait5]
- !winteriscoming – 125 magic spins
- !80klikes – 50 spins of every type
- !storageupdate – 35 spins of all type
- !75klikes – 45 spins of each type
- !iwokeup – 30 spins of each type [Only works in the main menu on new servers]
- !choosetrait4 – 200 trait spins [but locks you out of chooserace4 or choosemagic2]
- !chooserace4 – 200 race spins [but locks you out of choosetrait4 or choosemagic4]
- !choosemagic4 – 200 magic spins [ butlocks you out of chooserace4 or choosetrait4]
- !redsblessing – Gives a limited fish armor
- !70klikes – 100 Magic spins
- !holyrain – 50 magic spins
- !gauntletseason2soon – 50 race spins
- !99percent – 50 spins of all types
- !choosetrait3 – 50 trait spins (but locks you out of chooserace3 or choosemagic3)
- !chooserace3 – 50 race spins (but locks you out of choosetrait3 or choosemagic3)
- !choosemagic3 -50 magic spins (but locks you out of chooserace3 or choosetrait3)
- !magicwonagain – magic spins
- !cookingsheeps – 50 trait spins
- !humanoidfix – Spins
- !mobilefixes – Magic Spin
- !favoritecloverfix – Spins (Only works on the main menu, and you must click yes to redeem the code)
- !grimoiregauntlet – 50 spins of all types
- !chibisoon – 50 spins of all types
- !sandmagic – 45 of all spins
- !sandmagic2 – 85 race spins
- !mypcisdying – 175 Magic Spins
- !choosemagic – 30 Magic Spins (Choose only one)
- !chooserace – 30 Race Spins (Choose only one)
- !choosetrait – 30 Trait Spins (Choose only one)
- !3000clovers – 45 Race Spins
- !goodmorningretribution – 80 Magic Spins
- !creepingshadows – Freebies (Must be in the First Kingdom to redeem)
- !pollcode1 – 25 Magic Spins
- !pollcode2 – 25 Race Spins
- !pollcode3 – 25 Trait Spins
- !devilupdate – 200 Trait Spins
- !goodnightretribution – 75 Magic Spins
- !spatialroom – 50 trait spins
- !spatialroomv2 – 50 magic spins
- !uncode – Rewards
- !yawningcode – Rewards
- !promisedrace – 25 race spins
- !racewontoov2 – Rewards
- !racewontoo – 25 race spins
- !magicspinswon – 50 magic spins
- !didanybodysaycodes – Rewards
- !day3stuff – 20 spins of every type
- !day2update – Rewards
- !shutdowncodeyes – Spins
- !appreciateyall – 60 race spins
- !update1.5stats – resets stats
- !update1.5 – 12 spins of each type
- !freestuff – 25 trait spins
- !communitycode – 120 magic spins
- !36klikes – 12 race spins
- !insomnia – 5 magic spins
- !34klikes – 25 trait spins
- !32klikes – 10 spins of every type
- !update2soon – 20 spins of every type
- !clovergoal – 30 race spins
- !30klikes – 10 Spins of Each type
- !cloverthanks – 12 magic spins
- !28klikes – 10 spins of every type
- !update1 – Redeem code for 20 Spins of all types
- !raremagic – Redeem code to spin your magic as soon as it’s used
- !rarerace – Redeem code spin your race as soon as it’s used
- !spiritssoon – Redeem code for 25 magic spins
- !timestats – Redeem code to reset statpoints
- !update1part1 – Redeem code for 20 Spins of all types
- !drdwert – Redeem code for free rewards
- !miniupdatelater – Redeem code for free rewards
- !14klikes – Redeem code for free rewards
- !clovergroup – Redeem code for free rewards (must join the group to redeem)
- !2millvisits – Redeem code for race spins
- !quickshutdown – Redeem code for free rewards
- !6klikes – Redeem code for 3 spins of every type
- !7klikes – Redeem code for 3 spins of every type
- !halloweenstats – Redeem code for resets stats
- !halloweenupdate – Redeem code for 6 spins of every type
- !5klikes – Redeem code for 6 spins of every type
- !4klikes – Redeem code for 6 spins of every type
- !clover_release2 – Redeem code for free rewards
- !cloverfixes – Redeem code for free rewards
- !cloverstats – Redeem code to Reset Your Stat Points
- !clover_release – Redeem code for Magic Spins, Race Spins, and Trait Spins
Find codes for a bunch of other games in our Roblox Games Codes page.
Clover Retribution Codes (Expired)
- There are currently no expired codes for Clover Retribution!
How to Redeem a Clover Retribution Code
To redeem a code in Roblox Clover Retribution, you just need to follow these steps:
- Open up the chat either in the main menu where you spin, or when you’re playing the actual game.
- Copy one of the codes from our list, paste it into the text box, and enter it to obtain your rewards.
- If the code rewarded you with spins, you can use these in the main menu!
If it’s a brand new code that doesn’t work, try closing out of the game and re-opening it. This will put you in a new server, which could have an updated build of the game where the code will be working!
How to get more Clover Retribution codes
To get alerted about new codes, make sure you join the Roblox Group and join their Discord to get the latest news, updates, and codes about the game. You can also head back to this page, where we will be keeping it updated with all the latest freebies.
Details about Black Clover
“Black Clover” is a Japanese anime series based on the manga of the same name by Yūki Tabata. The story is set in a magical world where almost everyone has the ability to perform various forms of magic. The series follows two orphaned boys, Asta and Yuno, who are raised together and share a dream of becoming the strongest mage in the Clover Kingdom, a title signified by earning the role of the Wizard King. While Yuno is exceptionally talented in magic, Asta is a rare case with no magical ability whatsoever. However, Asta possesses unyielding determination and physical strength, contrasting sharply with Yuno’s magical prowess.
As the duo embarks on their respective journeys to fulfill their ambitions, they take different paths but are often pitted against various challenges that test their abilities and resolve. Yuno receives a powerful four-leaf clover grimoire, while Asta acquires a mysterious five-leaf clover grimoire that grants him anti-magic abilities, allowing him to nullify and deflect magical attacks. Together, they face numerous adventures, unravel secrets of their world, and battle powerful foes, all while the underlying tension between those who have magic and those who do not adds complexity to their quests.
Magic in Black Clover
In the world of “Black Clover,” magic is an integral part of society and is categorized into various types based on elements and attributes. Elemental magics include Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth, among others. However, the series also explores more complex and specialized forms of magic like Light, Dark, Time, and Spatial Magic. Some mages possess the ability to use compound magic, which is a fusion of two different types of elemental magic to create a new form of attack or defense. Additionally, certain mages have rare magic types that defy conventional categorization, such as Asta’s anti-magic, which can nullify other magical abilities. The magic a mage wields is typically inherited and influenced by their family lineage, and each individual has a unique “grimoire,” a magical book that enhances their magical abilities and provides spells related to their specific type of magic.