The Anime Vanguards Takadora unit has a permanent place on my team! They’re not kidding when they say he’s the best farm unit… I think I have to agree.
Try and get Takadora in Anime Vanguards! Learn about the other Anime Vanguards Farm Units with our guide (there’s only one other right now). Another must-have addition to your party is the Anime Vanguards Haruka Rin unit, find out how to get her in our walkthrough!
Anime Vanguards Takadora
What’s the big whoop about Takadora? As he’s part of my team right now, I think it’s fair to say I know all about his positives and negatives! Oh, and he’s named Takaroda in-game to avoid copyright issues. Is he the best farm unit? Let’s see.
Is Takadora The Best Farm Unit?
Takadora’s only purpose is to generate Yen during a battle. You can place him anywhere on the field, though I recommend putting him close to where all the action is. This is so you can quickly upgrade him when necessary (though you can open the Unit Manager tab to speed this process up).
He doesn’t benefit from you placing him close by to any specific units or locations, so the whole map is your oyster! Remember that only 1 of them can be placed on the battlefield, but he still generates more cash than 3x Sprintwagons (another farm unit!).
Takadora is by far the best addition to your team if you want to keep your cash up for upgrades. He isn’t even a Mythic or Secret unit, he’s Legendary. While he’s still a rare drop, he has a higher chance of appearing than a Mythical rarity unit.
As a Legendary unit, however, you cannot Evolve or Ascend him. So, the only way to increase his power is to level him up using items that grant EXP, as well as rolling for the Fortune Trait with your spare Trait Rerolls.